
Virtual Reality - Medical Education in Second Life

Adding figures of people are using the Internet for the provision of all feathers of health services, from defining, through consulting to setting up automated tone-treatment programs. But what about using it for education and remedy? After all, in the proposition, the ultimate form of cognitive-behavioral remedy should be"virtual reality remedy."By simply wearing your serape-around sound and vision multimedia headset you can be incontinently transported to a precipice edge, soar in an airplane thousands of bases above the ground, or be girdled by a gathering of thousands of spiders- depending on your phobia. And the ultimate form of online education should be completely interactive, case grounded, and pupil driven, all of which I now use in my tutoring in Second Life. VR training . The expression"virtual reality" was chased by Jaron Lanier in 1989 to describe computer simulations of physical surroundings. Since the mid-1990s, the videotape game assiduity and 3D pla

What Are the Types of Robotic Surgery

Medical robotics is the future of wisdom. Though one Da Vinci surgical robot costs roughly $1.7 million, surgeons who have used it say it's both remarkable and revolutionary." I do a lot of gallbladder surgery," explains Dr. Glen Gibson of Annapolis General Hospital." Operating on livers, tummies, and colons used to be stem-to-stern lacerations; I've had to take out ( only) one gallbladder by traditional surgery in the last three times." Robotic surgery pledges hastily recovery times, lower pain drug,s and smaller lacerations, he adds. Presently there are three types of robotic surgery systems Administrative- Controlled systems, Telesurgical systems, and Shared-Control systems. Administrative- Controlled systems (a.k.a. Computer Supported Surgery) are the most automated of the three. The surgeon undertakes considerable fix work, inputs data into the robotic system, plans the course of action, takes rays, tests the robot's movements, places the robot in t

Virtual Reality - The Boon to Gaining Real-World Experience

  At the Venice Film Festival this time, besides all the gift that's bound to be on show, virtual reality technology is each set to steal the thunder! 'Jesus VR-The Story of Christ will be unveiled bringing Virtual Reality into mainstream cinema and indicating the biggest investment therefore far. The film assures anyone interested in seeing the exercise before its release this December of a lifetime experience of being an onlooker in the scenes. It's a befitting way of telling that Europe's most fascinating film jubilee position is meeting the future' head-on'! But what exactly is Virtual Reality? To answer that in the most specialized way possible, we can say that it's a computer technology that replicates software-generated sounds, images, and other sensations in a setting that simulates a physical presence in that terrain for an individual or to say, the' stoner'. Which is to say the' stoner,' or a person, with the aid of certain kinds of

Electronic Health Information Exchange

CareLock connecting patients and clinicians with innovative digital health solutions. AI-Xperential Collaboration, Holographic Training, Autonomous Surgery and digital health applications. Innovative, award winning digital therapeutics company delivering clinical evidenced Telehealth solutions for Personalized Remote Chronic Care, Medical Imaging, Intelligent Predictive Analytics and Risk Assessment. Our standards based, secure core to cloud connected solutions Lower Costs - Improve Quality - Better Outcomes for health Providers, Insurers, Pharma-lifescience Cogenetics for population health management. Artificial Intelligence Virtual Reality platforms combined with the power of 3D content, digital health applications enable virtual training, patient engagement, education and health coaching. Learn more about the intersection of Metaverse and Precision Health 3.0 in this short video. Emergence of "dtxomics" and in silico metabolic modeling, nutritional intervention with immers